Italian Angels for Growth (IAG) is a network of business angels, entrepreneurs and companies that share expertise, capital and commitment to support innovation and entrepreneurship. By investing and supporting startups, IAG works every day to build a future where innovation receives the necessary resources to make a positive impact on society.

IAG in numbers
startups financed
in over 15 years
investment opportunities analyzed
million euros invested by IAG members and co-investors
associates business angels
Discover IAG
Find out more about IAG and its network, from the companies we have invested in to the educational offer dedicated to our members.

"Talk a Little.
Listen a Lot"
Carolina Gianardi
IAG Board of Directors

Our choices have always been guided by a clear and precise commitment: to invest in innovative startups with high technological content.
Browse the portfolio
Selected speakers, workshops, insights: an exclusive opportunity for professional growth and networking.
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